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Daffodil Day 2023

A Heartfelt Community Effort

Aug 31, 2023

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A Day of Hope and Support

On Thursday, August 31, 2023, Noble Avenue Real Estate hosted a heartfelt Daffodil Day event to raise funds for those affected by cancer. From early morning, our team was buzzing with excitement, setting up beautiful displays of daffodils at both our Hillarys office and the Hillarys Shopping Centre on Flinders Avenue.

The vibrant yellow flowers symbolised hope and resilience, standing as a testament to our collective fight against cancer. By 9am, the first visitors began to arrive, eager to contribute to this meaningful cause.

Every daffodil purchased directly supported cancer research, helping fund vital studies that bring us closer to a world without this devastating disease. We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone involved on the day and to those who donated. Both residents of Hillarys and the surrounding communities showed immense support, underscoring the incredible spirit of our community.

Daffodil Day is an event we hold annually and have for several years. It has become a cherished tradition at Noble Avenue Real Estate, symbolising our ongoing commitment to supporting cancer research and our community.



Why It Matters

Cancer touches all of us in some way, whether personally or through loved ones. This fundraiser was dedicated to honouring the strength and resilience of those who have faced this journey. Every daffodil purchased contributed directly to cancer research, funding vital studies that bring us closer to a world without this devastating disease.

Community Involvement

The response from the community was overwhelming. By mid-morning, both locations were buzzing with activity. Families, friends, and even strangers came together, sharing stories and showing their support. The sight of people walking away with arms full of daffodils and smiles on their faces was incredibly heartwarming. Each flower sold, each donation made, was a step towards driving change and making a significant impact on cancer research.

A Special Thank You

We are incredibly proud of our local community for coming together to support such an important cause. Your participation and donations made a real difference. Whether you purchased daffodils, volunteered your time, or spread the word about our event, your contributions are helping to fund critical cancer research and support those affected by this disease.

Reflecting on the Day

As the day came to a close, the sense of achievement and community spirit was palpable. The funds raised will go a long way in supporting cancer research, providing hope and a fighting chance to many. At Noble Avenue Real Estate, we are committed to making a positive impact in our community. Events like Daffodil Day highlight the strength and compassion of our neighbours, and we are honoured to be part of such a supportive community.


Together, we can make a real difference.

For more information on our community involvement and future events, visit Noble Avenue Real Estate.

Future Community Events

We are always looking for ways to give back and support our community. Stay tuned for more events and initiatives that bring us together and make a positive impact.